Monday, March 8, 2010

Swirling Thoughts #122 - eretz ha kodesh

It’s the holy land – what do you expect?
A friend of mine tapped on a taxi window to see if the cab was available. The driver, engrossed in a book, did not look up. She tapped again. As he offered the Israeli hand gesture for ‘savlanut’ (patience), she realized he was finishing up a book of tehillim (psalms).

Meticulous searches for one thing or another
I asked Rosie if she’s learning about Passover. It’s about all I can think of when I’m not consumed with lice prevention.
Ima! Passover is Pesah in Israel!

No naked mud flap girl - cultivating a new hobby
When I came home the other day there was a truck with a crane arm placing a new security hut outside Rosie’s gan. It was interesting – not the hut, not the crane arm – the wording on the truck – ‘ein od milvado’ – there is nothing besides Him! (see photo). I mentioned it to my friend Michal and she said there’s stuff like that on all the trucks. The next day on Route 60 I saw a truck sporting a pasuk (verse) of tehillim but it was difficult to read at high speed. I reached for my camera but was then faced with a choice between snapping the shot or staying on my side of the road.

As I zoomed past a truck with the famous na-nach quote, I decided I need to spend more time and energy on my truck quote photography. Perhaps drive with the camera dangling from my wrist. Spend more time on the highway. Thoughts... drifting... to my travels throughout the aretz...a new goal...a photo montage of all the religious truck quotes. Anything to put off cleaning for Passover. Or Pesah.

Sometimes you ask for a blessing. Other times you get one by surprise.
When the motorized triss repair man was finished working I offered a cup of water and he asked for a broom to sweep up the mess. As he drank the water I started sweeping. But he insisted I go back to feeding my children. He would sweep. And then he blessed the children that they should grow to be tzadikim.

A different kind of protection
I took Rosie to gan a few minutes late. I rang the bell but the gate did not open. I looked into the new security hut to see if the guard was inside. He was, indeed. Wrapped in his tallet (prayer shawl), praying shacharit (morning prayers).

1 comment:

  1. Your observations about Israel are so beautiful and perceptive... I'll look for the psukim on trucks now!
